I can't believe I forgot to post about the concert before I posted about the Christmas Party! LOL! We went to the greatest concert I've ever attended last Thursday night. It was awesome!!! And it felt SO great to jump around without being 50 pounds heavier! And my feet never did start hurting. Wow. So we got to see Storyside B, who's local, but now they're big famous stars in the Cristian music scene. We also got to see Sanctus Real, Aaron Shust (
LOVE him), and Toby Mac. Seriously, we had the most incredible time!!! It was Toby Mac's Winter Wonder-Slam tour. Greg likes Aarron Shust as well and he's a huge Toby Mac fan. So he was having so much fun! Delaney went with us and knew over half the songs! :o) She had a blast too! They even sang a few Christmas songs!! Here's some pics, although fuzzy since they were taken with the camera phone. ;o)
Here's my lovely little sister and I

Here's Aaron Shust signing an autograph. We were next, so Delaney now has an autographed framed picture of him in the playroom!

And here we are with him!!! He's amazing!

So, bottom line, we got to see 4 wonderful musicians/groups in one night & we were right up front jamming and worshiping God for about 3 hours! It was so awesome!!! I wish we could do something like that every week!
Your progress is phenominal, your obedience is inspiring.
lifeAgift from RFT
Does your husband have a blog? I am starting a raw food lifestyle and would love to hear your husbands comments ideas etc. You both have had amazing transformations and If I could do half of what yall have done I would consider myself a success.
We seem to have a lot in common, My wife and I homeschool our children, we are Christians and I am a big Toby Mac fan :)
I would love to chat with him if he is not opposed.
Feel free to email me ...
Best wishes for 2008,
I LOVED reading your blog! I saw your profile on Alissa's site and felt drawn to read it. God is really blessing your family through eating living foods. I do want to know if can share the recipe for the really wonderful looking raw pumpkin pie. It looks absolutely wonderful and since my fabulous husband and I are starting raw next week, I'd love to add it to my grocery list.
Sister, I can so totally relate to everything you have written in your blog. It's like reading my own testimony regarding going raw! See you on RFT!
- RAWorship
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